4C Associates, a leading UK procurement and supply chain consultancy, has some incredible processes that significantly differ from the rest of its field. We were asked to help them reveal these, to create stand-out from competitors.
Before we arrived, the 4C website was pretty wordy and not very visual. It was similarly hampered by a lack of human presence. It was also clear 4C Associates had a huge amount of potential. In the previous two years, 4C had some significant achievements as a firm, and more recently had developed a new senior consultancy specialising in life sciences.
So our task was to put these achievements front and centre and make the firm's unique proposition more visible. Crucially, we needed to update their image and communication in a way that focused on the human touch and the axiom that "people buy people".
Our first action was to really help convince 4C that they are interesting and that prospective clients would be keen to learn about what they do and also about their team. We collaborated over a suite of videos, featuring their different market sectors. Primarily process explainers, these videos were to showcase exactly how 4C are able to bring about genuine transformations in their clients.
We filmed both externally and internally at their Hammersmith offices, interviewing their senior executives and sector specialists, who authentically and ably demonstrated their considerable knowledge and wealth of business expertise. We collaborated with 4C during the editing process and they invited us to produce case studies with four of their incredible clients from TFL, Paperchase, BeiGene and DHSL. The stories of their transformations working with 4C Associates, were both inspiring and courageous.
As a result, the 4C website and social media now visibly demonstrates the collective human character and high expertise of the 4C team. Prospective clients are now seeing and understanding who they might partner with. And the message is clearly getting over to clients on transforming their business competitivity.
Book a free, one-to-one, idea-packed session today, to explore humanizing video and smart research. See precisely where Marketing Films would convert on your website and social media.
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