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Interactive video for B2B services your step-by-step marketer's guide

By Tim Cumming, Head of Creative, Marketing Films.
Last updated: Aug 2024

Interactive video combines visual storytelling with clickable buttons that direct the flow of the story. It enriches the user experience and provides the viewer with choice and control. You get to pitch your ideas and dazzle your viewer.

In return, they get to follow their interests and move quickly to content they need. And they leave a lovely trail of data-rich footprints for analysis. Win-win.

Buttons inside video

Imagine a video where the story doesn't just unfold - it dances to the viewer's tune. Buttons embedded within the video empower viewers to make choices, creating a personalized journey. This isn't a fanciful feature; it's an expectation of modern B2B audiences. According to Wyzowl's 2022 State of Video Marketing Survey, 43% of video marketers now use interactive video content, with impressive engagement.

At Marketing Films, we strategically place buttons such as "Learn More", "Schedule a Demo", or "Get a Quote" at pivotal moments. Crafting these calls-to-action (CTAs) requires a deep understanding of viewer psychology and the buyer's journey. Each click not only progresses the story but also indicates viewer interest, topic preference, and depth of engagement.

The interactivity turns passive viewers into active participants, prompting them toward more informed decision-making, a key aspect in B2B transactions. Additionally, it delivers measurable value. Research by Mobile Marketer suggests interactive videos see click-through rates 10 times higher than traditional, linear videos.

User-determined storyflow

Choose Your Own Adventure

Giving users the steering wheel in their video journey offers unprecedented customization. A user-determined storyflow allows viewers to engage with content that caters specifically to their interests and needs. It respects their time and positions the video as a valuable tool rather than just another marketing asset.

We build video narratives that account for multiple audience pathways, ensuring at each juncture there is meaningful content to consume. The narrative must be poised to fork naturally - without feeling disjointed - no matter the viewer’s choices.

The benefits of such an approach manifest in longer engagement times and reduced bounce rates. For B2B marketers, this is crucial. A survey by Demand Gen Report found that 95% of buyers choose a solution provider that offers ample content to navigate each stage of the buying process. User-determined storyflow aligns precisely with this need.

Data-rich audience insights

Every interaction within a video is data. But it's more than numbers - it's the story of your audience's desires, challenges, and preferences. Interactive video acts as a two-way conversation, providing vital insights into what your potential clients are looking for.

Our approach focuses on parsing these "digital body-language" cues. Each choice made by viewers as they engage with our videos feeds into a data pool. With advanced analytics, this information becomes actionable intelligence for tailoring marketing strategies, product development, and customer service.

These insights can significantly enhance lead scoring and segmentation, allowing for more efficient targeting and personalized follow-up campaigns. Forbes reports that organizations harnessing customer behavioral insights outperform peers by 85% in sales growth.

Relevance to buyer needs

Meeting Buyer Needs

Relevance isn't a nice-to-have in content marketing - it's the linchpin. Interactive video enables us to deliver hyper-relevant content. Viewers naturally gravitate toward their areas of interest, making every moment of the video pertinent.

Our mission is to craft videos that feel like they have been made for one viewer: the viewer watching. By designing content paths with a variety of buyer needs in mind, we can cater to multiple personas within a single asset. This not only enhances user satisfaction but also endears them to the brand.

Marketo data suggests that personalized, relevant content increases engagement by up to 73%. This isn't surprising when considering the sheer amount of content battling for attention; relevance becomes the beacon that guides buyers to your shore.

Story consequence retains viewers

Storytelling in business isn't just about grabbing attention; it's about keeping it. Hence, story consequence is paramount. Each decision a viewer makes should have a clear outcome, a payoff that justifies their engagement.

Our videos honor the viewer's time by ensuring that each narrative branch has a satisfying conclusion, whether that's a bite-sized piece of knowledge, a demonstration of product utility, or a storyline resolution. This technique keeps viewers invested in the journey.

Retention rates for personalized video content are 35% higher than for non-personalized content, according to a 2020 report from SundaySky. Story consequence turns viewers into explorers within your video, eager to see what their choices yield.

The ideal tool for pre-sales

Pre-Sales Tool

Pre-sales is the perfect stage to introduce an interactive video. It's here where questions are numerous, and the desire for tailored information is high. Interactive videos provide a sandbox for potential buyers to explore solutions, ask questions, and gain confidence.

We devise interactive videos to act as virtual sales assistants, guiding prospects through features and benefits relevant to them. They can serve to answer frequent pre-sales questions, simulate product experiences, or validate use-cases. It's an efficient system - both for the client who saves time and for our clients, whose sales teams can focus on the most qualified leads.

According to a study from Retail TouchPoints, interactive content in pre-sales can lead to a 20% increase in conversion rates. Virtual sales tools enable potential buyers to self-qualify and come to the sales team well-informed and primed to discuss specifics.

A medium suited to discovery

The process of discovery - both on the part of the viewer and the marketer - is inherent to interactive video. Each click unveils more about the product or service, while simultaneously revealing more about the viewer’s interests to the marketer.

By instigating curiosity and offering multiple avenues for exploration, we foster an environment where discovery is not just intuitive but irresistible. For B2B audiences, who often need to delve deeper into the specifics before making a purchase decision, this form of self-directed learning is invaluable.

Furthermore, this informed discovery process facilitates a more engaged lead. HubSpot found that video content is 50% more likely to drive organic search results compared to text, which suggests a synergy between the discovery-focused nature of interactive video and enhanced online visibility.

Video inspiration

Creative Video Ideas

In summary, interactive video stands as a beacon of innovation for B2B marketing. With Marketing Films, the days of one-size-fits-all video content are long behind. Our approach paints a picture of sophistication, understanding, and most importantly, results. Your business isn't static; your video marketing shouldn't be either. Let's create stories that not only engage but convert, with the power and allure of interactivity.


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