Corporate video crew at work

Video marketing case studies

Find clients like you

Reach videos - case studies

Videos that attract, create interest and curiosity

Demand videos - case studies

Videos that build interest, relevance and consequence

Conversion videos - case studies

Videos that foster desire and support conversions

Upsell videos - case studies

Videos that upsell and cross-sell existing clients

Who we've helped

We've helped professional firms to win and keep more lucrative clients, in 311 video productions and marketing projects since 2013. Today, our clients manage around £1 trillion in assets.

311Projects.Clients really like to hire us.

481Locations.Mostly UK, but plenty filmed worldwide.

1325Interviews.In over 4,350 stories.

5.5m+Views.Reliably reaching audiences.

~£1tClient AUM.Serving the UK and USA economies.

83%Approval.Positive client audience feedback.

Continual improvement built-in

Now, let's talk evolution. Adopting a rolling monthly campaign is akin to sharpening your sword while in battle. You become not just a contender, but a champion of continual improvement. Unlike one-off projects - which, let’s face it, may hit with the precision of a sledgehammer or the grace of a wrecking ball - a monthly canvas allows your strategy the luxury of refinement. Breathing. Learning from the audience's pulse and sculpting with surgical precision what works, continually. It's not just production; it's intelligent design.

And that approach brings reduced risk. Traditional might is something of an arrow shot in the dark - occasionally striking gold, often missing the mark. Our interactive video service, however - now that’s a beacon. A conversation. It transforms passive viewers into active participants. Data-rich analytics inform your campaign's direction like a compass to treasure. Calibration is constant. Progress is inevitable. Guesswork? Redundant. Engagement becomes an empirical science, not an elusive art. A safer bet, by far.

Proving ROI in video marketing isn't hard. It's method, evidence, and testimonial - a triumvirate our case studies wear like a badge of honour. Our portfolio spans industries and business sizes, offering living proof that when it comes to video marketing results, we don't just claim; we demonstrate.

Fancy a deeper dive? A showcase of what could be? Book a demo. Witness firsthand the marketing metamorphosis we champion - one that unfailingly respects the two most finite resources in B2B marketing: your time and attention.

Because at Marketing Films, we aren't just about rolling cameras. We're about rolling successes.

Ignite your growth   ▶


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  • Action For Me logo
  • Ada Economics logo
  • Amadeus logo
  • Aquis logo
  • Arkk logo
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  • Bishopsgate logo
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  • Camden A.I. logo
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  • 4C logo
  • Action For Me logo
  • Ada Economics logo
  • Amadeus logo
  • Aquis logo
  • Arkk logo
  • Aurum logo
  • Bishopsgate logo
  • Bloodhound logo
  • Brigade Electronics logo
  • Camden A.I. logo
  • Cawood Scientific logo
  • Charlton House logo
  • Desklodge logo
  • Dunedin logo
  • Finsimco logo
  • Hertz Europe logo
  • Intragen logo
  • Kee Safety logo
  • Kirton Healthcare logo
  • Leading Point Financial Markets logo
  • Lpfa logo
  • Mayor Of London logo
  • Neardesk logo
  • Nvm logo
  • Outstanding logo
  • Paladin logo
  • Peppermint Technology logo
  • Progress Music Academy logo
  • Pure Retirement logo
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  • Scottish Equity Partners logo
  • Share Radio logo
  • Siemens logo
  • Silverwing For Nvm logo
  • Sopro logo
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  • Team London logo
  • Tony Green Racing logo
  • Traydstream logo
  • Vesta logo
  • Wirex logo
  • WPP logo

Model your enquiry growth with human video and smart AI

Book a free, one-to-one, idea-packed session today, to explore humanizing video and smart research. See precisely where Marketing Films would convert on your website and social media.

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