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Proposition tuning for B2B video marketing your step-by-step marketer's guide

By Tim Cumming, Head of Creative, Marketing Films.
Last updated: Aug 2024

Proposition tuning is a short intensive burst of work to enhance your main proposition. It's the master message at the top of the tree, so it's important to get it right. Many firms fail to revise their proposition statement over the years, when it easily grows stale as technology, best practice and competitors advance. The best time to do it is annually. And wisely.

Tuning your proposition for market mood

The market mood dictates the receptivity of your audience. An astute marketer can feel the pulse of the market and tweak their messaging to align with it. In a 2021 report from Gartner, they highlighted how customer expectations change faster than marketing practices can adapt, especially during volatile periods. Addressing market sentiment isn't just about being topical; it's about showing that your firm is empathetic and forward-thinking.

At Marketing Films, we help you gauge the market mood through social listening tools, market research, and competitor analysis. Once we've grasped the zeitgeist, we refine the nuances of your proposition to ensure it speaks directly to current concerns, aspirations, and pains of your target audience.

Tuning for buyer appetite

Buyer Appetite Visualisation

The buyer's appetite evolves with the introduction of new solutions, shifts in industry standards, and the general progression of consumer demands. According to a Salesforce survey, 80% of customers say the experience a company provides is as important as its products and services. Hence, articulating how your offer aligns with what buyers currently seek is vital for maintaining your relevance.

We discern buyer appetites through a mix of data analytics, user behavior monitoring, and direct surveys. We use these insights to fine-tune your proposition to what ignites interest among prospects and stokes the desire for engagement. It could be as subtle as emphasising service aspects that data indicates are currently undervalued or emerging as trends.

Tuning for competitor advantage

To carve a niche in the vast B2B landscape, keeping a keen eye on the competition is paramount. A BMJ Global Health study emphasises the importance of understanding competitive dynamics for strategic positioning. Crafting a proposition that delineates your competitive advantages without mirroring the language of your rivals is key to standing out.

We aid you in identifying your distinct offerings or approaches that give you an edge. Through competitive analysis, we pinpoint areas of differentiation and apply these insights to refine your proposition, ensuring it's crafted to highlight your strengths in ways that are both compelling and unique.

Tuning for technology advances

Technology in Video Marketing

In the Digital Age, technological advancements happen at lightning speeds, and companies that can't keep up get left behind. A report by Deloitte underlines the necessity of agility in a technology-driven landscape. Updating your proposition to reflect these advances demonstrates foresight and an innovative spirit to your audience.

Our iterative tuning process incorporates the latest technological trends pertinent to your sector. We rework your messaging to weave in these advancements, so your proposition not only stays current but showcases how your firm uses cutting-edge technology to deliver superior service.

Tuning for repositioning

There are moments when a business undergoes significant transformation - be it through expansion, merger, or a shift in service offerings. Changing your narrative is key during these times. Harvard Business Review notes that repositioning requires clarity, courage, and coherence. This step is about aligning your proposition with the new direction of your company.

We approach repositioning with an emphasis on storytelling. Our collaborative workshops explore the new facets of your narrative, ensuring that your updated proposition embodies the evolution of your firm and communicates the benefits of this transformation to your customers convincingly.

Tuning to update

Video Content Updates

Even the most timeless messages merit an occasional refresh. Freshness in communication can reignite interest and maintain relevance. As McKinsey & Company points out, the pace of change in business today means that periodically reassessing messages is no longer optional - it's a business imperative.

Our strategy includes an almost journalistic approach to updating your proposition. We keep the essence intact while revitalising the language used, incorporating new successes or client testimonials, and ensuring the message is delivered through modern channels suited to today's viewers.

Tuning for new markets

Entering new markets requires a proposition that is both adaptable and culturally intelligent. A study by the Journal of International Business Studies notes the significance of cross-cultural strategies in successful market entry. Your core proposition may need localization or a completely new angle to resonate with different audiences.

We provide market analysis, cultural insight, and localisation expertise to adjust your proposition for new geographies or sectors. By tailoring the language, value propositions, and references within your messaging, we create a proposition that is both globally consistent and locally effective.

Video inspiration

Evidence of the effectiveness of proposition tuning comes to life in video form, where it can be shared, experienced, and believed. Here are some creative, filmable ideas that illustrate the concepts discussed:

In summary, proposition tuning isn't just about making minute adjustments; it's about enlightening reevaluation and strategic enhancements that ensure your message not only reaches the right ears but resonates with them, prompting action. At Marketing Films, we bring a blend of insight, creativity, and market savvy to each tuning session, crafting communication that doesn’t just attract attention - it drives growth.


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