Corporate video crew at work

Measuring corporate video success your step-by-step marketer's guide

By Tim Cumming, Head of Creative, Marketing Films.
Last updated: May 2024

Knowing your audience and its behaviour is a lot. That knowledge is commercially valuable, month in, month out. It reveals what content is working, what isn't. Which ideas and tones, what imagery and stories are working, and which aren't. We use it to improve your videos' appeal and conversion. You use it to enhance your marketing. And together that means more enquiries.

What we measure

In data-driven marketing, measurement is the foundation of everything. We coldly scrutinize a plethora of metrics to understand and serve your audience better. Each metric we measure – from clicks and preferences to viewing durations, choices made in interactive elements, and noted prejudices – is a goldmine of insight.

Clicks tell us what captures attention, preferences unveil what resonates, and viewing durations expose the engagement level of the content. Interactive choices made in videos offer a deeper layer of behavioral understanding, and prejudices - or preconceptions - help us tailor content that challenges or aligns with audience beliefs. These are not merely numbers; they are the seeds from which ROI grows.

How we measure

Analytics Illustration

The alchemy of merging interactive response data with tools like Google Analytics transforms cold stats into actionable insights. We look behind the data curtain to highlight not just what your viewers are doing, but why they might be doing it.

Using Google's powerful tracking capabilities matched with our proprietary interactive video data collection, we draw correlations between users' in-video choices and their broader online activity patterns. This fusion yields a holistic view, revealing engagement levels, content hotspots, and drop-off points, empowering us to make smart, data-backed decisions on content refinement.

When we measure

Continuous measurement is key. It’s part of our DNA. Every click, every interaction, every second of viewing time is captured all the time. This relentless pursuit ensures that we not only have a snapshot of your audience's behavior but a complete motion picture; it's the difference between guessing and knowing. As patterns and trends change, so can our strategies, in real-time, keeping the content as relevant as it is engaging.

Who we measure

Diverse Audience

The audience is self-selecting by interest and content response, thus profiling itself for us. This isn’t indiscriminate surveillance; it’s insight generation from a keen and willing participant - the viewer. We honor this by respecting privacy while concurrently abstracting valuable data points which reflect genuine interest or concern about the topics we present through our videos. This is qualitative measurement at its most potent.

Where we measure

Every digital touchpoint is a source of insight. We measure not solely on your company's website but extend our scope to encompass social media channels - a territory where participation is bustling and the brand-audience engagements are most candid. Whether it's LinkedIn, Twitter, or YouTube, we track how viewers interact with your content across these virtual ecosystems, providing an encompassing view of their journey.

Why we measure

Learning Growth

Measuring is a means to an end, and that end is perpetual improvement - to learn from every campaign, every video, every interaction. It’s foundational to our approach that your content not only meets the moment but preempts future trends and preferences. Measuring provides the compass we use to navigate the landscape of viewer interest and digital marketing efficacy.

Examples of stats

Recent stats reveal the power behind our approach: for a FinTech client, our measured campaigns saw a 70% increase in viewer engagement after tailoring content based on earlier insights. Among these, interactive video elements boosted conversion by 30% versus non-interactive equivalents.

Industry figures support these findings: Insivia reports that viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video compared to 10% when reading in text. A boost in retention invariably leads to an increase in conversions, providing a true measure of a video's impact.

Link: Insivia Most Important Marketing Stats 2023

Video inspiration

Armed with robust data and nuanced insights, here are some creative filmable video ideas:


  • 4C logo
  • Action For Me logo
  • Ada Economics logo
  • Amadeus logo
  • Aquis logo
  • Arkk logo
  • Aurum logo
  • Bishopsgate logo
  • Bloodhound logo
  • Brigade Electronics logo
  • Camden A.I. logo
  • Cawood Scientific logo
  • Charlton House logo
  • Desklodge logo
  • Dunedin logo
  • Finsimco logo
  • Hertz Europe logo
  • Intragen logo
  • Kee Safety logo
  • Kirton Healthcare logo
  • Leading Point Financial Markets logo
  • Lpfa logo
  • Mayor Of London logo
  • Neardesk logo
  • Nvm logo
  • Outstanding logo
  • Paladin logo
  • Peppermint Technology logo
  • Progress Music Academy logo
  • Pure Retirement logo
  • Quantifi logo
  • Qube logo
  • Rockpool logo
  • Scottish Equity Partners logo
  • Share Radio logo
  • Siemens logo
  • Silverwing For Nvm logo
  • Sopro logo
  • Steeper logo
  • Team London logo
  • Tony Green Racing logo
  • Traydstream logo
  • Vesta logo
  • Wirex logo
  • WPP logo
  • 4C logo
  • Action For Me logo
  • Ada Economics logo
  • Amadeus logo
  • Aquis logo
  • Arkk logo
  • Aurum logo
  • Bishopsgate logo
  • Bloodhound logo
  • Brigade Electronics logo
  • Camden A.I. logo
  • Cawood Scientific logo
  • Charlton House logo
  • Desklodge logo
  • Dunedin logo
  • Finsimco logo
  • Hertz Europe logo
  • Intragen logo
  • Kee Safety logo
  • Kirton Healthcare logo
  • Leading Point Financial Markets logo
  • Lpfa logo
  • Mayor Of London logo
  • Neardesk logo
  • Nvm logo
  • Outstanding logo
  • Paladin logo
  • Peppermint Technology logo
  • Progress Music Academy logo
  • Pure Retirement logo
  • Quantifi logo
  • Qube logo
  • Rockpool logo
  • Scottish Equity Partners logo
  • Share Radio logo
  • Siemens logo
  • Silverwing For Nvm logo
  • Sopro logo
  • Steeper logo
  • Team London logo
  • Tony Green Racing logo
  • Traydstream logo
  • Vesta logo
  • Wirex logo
  • WPP logo

Model your enquiry growth with human video and smart AI

Book a free, one-to-one, idea-packed session today, to explore humanizing video and smart research. See precisely where Marketing Films would convert on your website and social media.

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