Corporate video crew at work

Video case studies converting visitors to leads

Since 2013, we've helped hundreds of B2B, professional and financial firms increase website conversion, with over 4,350 stories, earning 5.5m+ views. Here are some of our cases:

Video still from Intragen project

Intragen: Remote-filmed case study for one of the UK's fastest-growing security consultants

Video still from Leading Point Financial Markets project

Leading Point Financial Markets: Suite of thought leadership pieces based around an anti-financial crime conference in London

Video still from Outstanding project

Outstanding: Teaser film piece for Business First article on Outstanding

Video still from Qube project

Qube: Tasters and sector-specific explainers for premium property firm

Video still from Scottish Equity Partners project

Scottish Equity Partners: Software Investment Case Study for Scottish Equity Partners

Video still from Share Radio project

Share Radio: Trailer on financial station Share Radio for Business First

Video still from Steeper project

Steeper: Investment Explainer for World Class Prosthetics Manufacturer, Steeper

Video still from Traydstream project

Traydstream: Partnership and process explainer for UK's leading import -tech

Video still from Wpp project

Wpp: Article teaser and portrait for Sir Martin Sorrell and WPP

Our video conversion clients

But hang on, diversity isn't just a buzzword in our world. Our client roster reads like a who's who list from industries galore. Startups so fresh they're still wrapped in metaphorical cellophane. Behemoths whose names weigh heavy on the corporate tongue. We've scripted, shot, and sliced crafty video narratives across the B2B spectrum – tech, healthcare, finance, and beyond. Size matters not; impact does.

The power of video campaigns over projects

Now, permanent revolution or one-off rebellion? With video marketing, a rolling monthly campaign isn't just a retainer; it's a partnership in commercial motion. Our adaptive strategies are the mana of marketing - constantly evaluating, iterating, and improving. Your video content stays as relevant as tomorrow's headlines, not yesterday's news.

Continual improvement is built in

The risk? Let’s talk reduction. Interactive video isn't just engaging; it's a CYA policy in all its interactive glory. It's feedback in real-time, a choose-your-own-adventure where every choice is the right one because it's data-driven. It's continual improvement with a safety net, a way to refine and define what works while leaving what doesn't on the cutting room floor.

What next?

Proof. You want it. We've got it. Our case studies beneath are not just stories; they're evidence. We measure twice and cut once. We count success in leads, sales, and the kind of ROI that would make the most stoic CFO blink with astonishment. But the real proof? It’s in our pudding – rich, indulgent, and waiting for you to take a bite. Ready for a demo that delivers?

Forecast your audience's response   ▶


  • 4C logo
  • Action For Me logo
  • Ada Economics logo
  • Amadeus logo
  • Aquis logo
  • Arkk logo
  • Aurum logo
  • Bishopsgate logo
  • Bloodhound logo
  • Brigade Electronics logo
  • Camden A.I. logo
  • Cawood Scientific logo
  • Charlton House logo
  • Desklodge logo
  • Dunedin logo
  • Finsimco logo
  • Hertz Europe logo
  • Intragen logo
  • Kee Safety logo
  • Kirton Healthcare logo
  • Leading Point Financial Markets logo
  • Lpfa logo
  • Mayor Of London logo
  • Neardesk logo
  • Nvm logo
  • Outstanding logo
  • Paladin logo
  • Peppermint Technology logo
  • Progress Music Academy logo
  • Pure Retirement logo
  • Quantifi logo
  • Qube logo
  • Rockpool logo
  • Scottish Equity Partners logo
  • Share Radio logo
  • Siemens logo
  • Silverwing For Nvm logo
  • Sopro logo
  • Steeper logo
  • Team London logo
  • Tony Green Racing logo
  • Traydstream logo
  • Vesta logo
  • Wirex logo
  • WPP logo
  • 4C logo
  • Action For Me logo
  • Ada Economics logo
  • Amadeus logo
  • Aquis logo
  • Arkk logo
  • Aurum logo
  • Bishopsgate logo
  • Bloodhound logo
  • Brigade Electronics logo
  • Camden A.I. logo
  • Cawood Scientific logo
  • Charlton House logo
  • Desklodge logo
  • Dunedin logo
  • Finsimco logo
  • Hertz Europe logo
  • Intragen logo
  • Kee Safety logo
  • Kirton Healthcare logo
  • Leading Point Financial Markets logo
  • Lpfa logo
  • Mayor Of London logo
  • Neardesk logo
  • Nvm logo
  • Outstanding logo
  • Paladin logo
  • Peppermint Technology logo
  • Progress Music Academy logo
  • Pure Retirement logo
  • Quantifi logo
  • Qube logo
  • Rockpool logo
  • Scottish Equity Partners logo
  • Share Radio logo
  • Siemens logo
  • Silverwing For Nvm logo
  • Sopro logo
  • Steeper logo
  • Team London logo
  • Tony Green Racing logo
  • Traydstream logo
  • Vesta logo
  • Wirex logo
  • WPP logo

Model your enquiry growth with human video and smart AI

Reveal the good you do and watch the benefits flow in. Brighter reputation, increased sales, team confidence and a more human brand. Take a deep dive into the whole process.

Take a deep dive   ▶ is a tradename of Sunlight Creations Ltd, registered in England, number 14041777. All rights reserved. Content is copyright Sunlight Creations Ltd 2024, except where otherwise marked. Terms and Privacy. There are no cookies on this page from us, only from Vimeo's standard player. Booyah.

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