Film crew at work

Buyer-assist suite for Bloodhound

The opportunity

The Bloodhound Project began in 2008 by Richard Noble. With Andy Green, he embarked on a 10 year development phase, optimising the car shape and jet engine. We were asked to capture their journey to create the fastest vehicle of all time and the exciting challenge of producing a unique, high-technology project in a way that excited the general public, and convince would-be investors and supporters that they had the opportunity to be part of something special.

The situation prior to our arrival was that the project had gone through several false-starts and delays, but now it really looked as if they were on the brink of success. Our task was to capture that success and bring viewers into the excitement and buzz around the project.

Our intention

We wanted to highlight excellence: the strength of the teamwork; the precision of the engineering; the sheer scale of the task at hand. We wanted to focus on how Bloodhound SSC was both designed and constructed in the UK, whilst at the same time acting as a nexus that connected components, sponsorship and expertise from all over the world.

Our work

We came up with three strategies. The first was to be an educational, promotional video explaining the Bloodhound project and goals. We wanted this video to appeal to potential investors, but also to be genuinely interesting and enthralling to people of all ages. In essence this video, the heart of the project, was to be all about explaining the Bloodhound SSC project in a way that would get anyone excited about the Land Speed Record, whether or not they were ultimately planning to invest.

The second would be a video more laser-targeted at attracting investment by highlighting exactly where the investment money would go. Therefore we planned out a PR video highlighting the benefits of becoming a Project Sponsor by focusing on the high-tech component parts of the car itself.

In a one-day shoot, we got to filmed content that would achieve these two goals. We edited our footage into a suite of videos that showcased the Bloodhound project's team as they designed and built a car to break the 1,000 mph barrier and set a new world land speed record. Finally, we wanted to provide something for genuine enthusiasts and industry insiders, so we wrote a journalistic article in The Manufacturer which acknowledged manufacturing success and courage.

Outcomes for our client

The promo and PR videos were placed on Bloodhound's website to create interest in the project, and the editorial piece was showcased on The Manufacturer's website. The Bloodhound project has transformed from a topic of passing curiosity to something that attracts genuine enthusiasm and interest from enthusiasts, the general public, and investors. It was such an exciting challenge for all involved - we were humbled to be a part of history in the making. It was hard not to get caught up in the buzz surrounding this superb feat of UK engineering genius!


  • 4C logo
  • Action For Me logo
  • Ada Economics logo
  • Amadeus logo
  • Aquis logo
  • Arkk logo
  • Aurum logo
  • Bishopsgate logo
  • Bloodhound logo
  • Brigade Electronics logo
  • Camden A.I. logo
  • Cawood Scientific logo
  • Charlton House logo
  • Desklodge logo
  • Dunedin logo
  • Finsimco logo
  • Hertz Europe logo
  • Intragen logo
  • Kee Safety logo
  • Kirton Healthcare logo
  • Leading Point Financial Markets logo
  • Lpfa logo
  • Mayor Of London logo
  • Neardesk logo
  • Nvm logo
  • Outstanding logo
  • Paladin logo
  • Peppermint Technology logo
  • Progress Music Academy logo
  • Pure Retirement logo
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  • Scottish Equity Partners logo
  • Share Radio logo
  • Siemens logo
  • Silverwing For Nvm logo
  • Sopro logo
  • Steeper logo
  • Team London logo
  • Tony Green Racing logo
  • Traydstream logo
  • Vesta logo
  • Wirex logo
  • WPP logo
  • 4C logo
  • Action For Me logo
  • Ada Economics logo
  • Amadeus logo
  • Aquis logo
  • Arkk logo
  • Aurum logo
  • Bishopsgate logo
  • Bloodhound logo
  • Brigade Electronics logo
  • Camden A.I. logo
  • Cawood Scientific logo
  • Charlton House logo
  • Desklodge logo
  • Dunedin logo
  • Finsimco logo
  • Hertz Europe logo
  • Intragen logo
  • Kee Safety logo
  • Kirton Healthcare logo
  • Leading Point Financial Markets logo
  • Lpfa logo
  • Mayor Of London logo
  • Neardesk logo
  • Nvm logo
  • Outstanding logo
  • Paladin logo
  • Peppermint Technology logo
  • Progress Music Academy logo
  • Pure Retirement logo
  • Quantifi logo
  • Qube logo
  • Rockpool logo
  • Scottish Equity Partners logo
  • Share Radio logo
  • Siemens logo
  • Silverwing For Nvm logo
  • Sopro logo
  • Steeper logo
  • Team London logo
  • Tony Green Racing logo
  • Traydstream logo
  • Vesta logo
  • Wirex logo
  • WPP logo

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